IB Chemistry Tutors

IB Chemistry Tutors. Your Personal Classes is the most trusted name offering IB Chemistry Tuition in UAE from a long time. We work with IB Online Chemistry Tutors from Top schools so that you can enjoy the best tutoring experience.

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    IB Chemistry Tutors 

    • We have the best IB tutors  in UAE. All of our tutors are well qualified, experienced, passionate, and skilled in their subject field.
    • They are all committed to their work and teach students with great concern. They find happiness in guiding their students in achieving their goals.
    • Our IB Chemistry Tutors make the students fall in love with the subject they teach and develop the desire for learning. “Your Personal Classes in UAE” provides IB Chemistry Tutors who teach online. Our tutors also offer individual classes at IB UAE online and offline.
    • If you don’t like the way you are taught at school by your teachers and you feel bored by their old style of teaching, then you can apply for a free trial class at IB UAE and get the experience of the great teaching from our tutor. You will surely see the difference. 
    • IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE use modern technology tools such as PPTs, Graphs, Audio and Visual aids, and videos to make their teaching more interesting and increase students’ engagement in the teaching-learning process. With the help of these latest tools, the tutors at IB lead the students to get a 7 in their exams.

    IB Chemistry Tutors

    What is IB Diploma Program Chemistry?

    • IB Chemistry is considered the central science. Chemistry has related to both Physics and Biology. IB chemistry is related to real-life understanding. It is taught practically.
    • Students investigate and collect data in also analyse the results after collecting data. This investigation is done in the laboratory and sometimes in the Real-world. 
    IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE

     HL & SL in levels in IB Diploma Chemistry

    • Standard Level of Chemistry (SL)-IB standard level of chemistry is offered to students interested in learning the chemical principles and theory.
    • They want to create their concepts about chemistry, but they do not want to continue it in further higher classes.
    • IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE always remember the requirement of learners as they are students of standard level. They clear the concepts of learners and give them basic knowledge of chemistry, which is related to the environment, Physics and Biology.
    • Higher level of Chemistry (HL)-Students who are willing to continue chemistry as their main subject and want to study chemistry at Higher levels choose the higher level or HL.
    • Most of the content is the same for the Airtel and SL levels. Our IB Chemistry tutors know that today’s students of HL chemistry will become tomorrow’s scientists or achieve something greater in the field of chemistry.
    • Our tutors clear all the doubts and queries of their students and prepare them for the exam.

    Syllabus Out line by IB DP Chemistry Tutors

    Here are some common topics for HL and SL

    1. Stoichiometric Relationships
    2. Atomic Structure
    3. Periodicity
    4. Chemical bonding and Structure
    5. Energetics/ Thermochemistry 
    6. Chemical Kinetics
    7. Equilibrium 
    8. Acids and Bases
    9. Redox processes 
    10. Organic Chemistry 
    11. Measurements and Data processes 

     Below are additional Higher Level (HL)

    1. Atomic Structure
    2. The Periodic Table
    3. Chemical Bonding and Structure
    4. Energetics/ Thermochemistry 
    5. Chemical Kinetics 
    6. Equilibrium 
    7. Acids and Bases
    8. Redox processes 
    9. Organic Chemistry 
    10. Measurement and analysis 

     Optional stuff for SL and HL 

    •  Option A Materials
    • Option B Biochemistry
    • Option C Energy
    • Option D Medicinal Chemistry 

    Assessment Pattern for IB Chemistry Standard & Higher Levels

    There are two types of assessments for both HL & SL Chemistry. External assessment consists for 80% of total marks, while IA (internal assessment) makes the rest 20% of it.IBO examiners do the external assessment. At the same time, IA is examined by subject teachers at the school level. IBO examiners externally moderate only a few IA files.

    IB Chemistry External assessment details

    • The IB board does the external assessment. It is divided into free written papers. In paper one of SL, there are 30 objective types questions, and in paper one of HL, there are 40 objective type questions.
    • Paper 2 of SL has short answer type questions and extended answer type questions. There are additional questions for HL from additional chapters of chemistry.
    • Paper 3 of chemistry has two sections.
      Section A This section has one databased question and many short answer type questions on practical work, and a few extra questions for HL
    • Section B Section B of paper 3 contains short answer type questions and long answer type questions.

    IB Chemistry Internal Assessment details 

    • The internal assessment contains 20% of weightage, mainly based on personal investigation.
      The teacher does internal assessment, and he gives some projects to investigate.
    • It is carefully observed that the investigation approach should be practical based. There may be modelling, simulation, hybrid, or data collection for internal assessment.
    • Our IB Chemistry Tutors are aware of the importance of internal assessment. They help their students to complete the investigation successfully. They provide the resources to their students and clear their concepts about the topic.

    How can our IB Chemistry Online Tutors help you with your assessments?

    Our IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE explain this assessment to their students thoroughly. They share previous years’ question papers with their student. Students understand the exam concepts and feel confident while appearing for an exam. IB chemistry tutors take many mock tests, which are just like the final external exam of IB. IB chemistry tutors enable their students-

    • To understand the concepts
    • To Gain knowledge 
    • To apply knowledge in their practical work 
    • IB chemistry tutors help students to manage their time intelligently.

    High Quality Content by IB Online Chemistry Tutors for best results 

    • Sometimes the teachers teach their content rapidly, and in that process, the students confront problems keeping up with the teacher.
    • Therefore it is important to complete every topic at the same time when it is taught to you in school. This also helps focus on the topics you don’t understand simultaneously.
    • You will also be prepared by our IB Chemistry Tutors for all the assessments given in the class if you are up to date with the syllabus.
    • It is important to get support immediately when you feel like your school teacher cannot complete the syllabus on time.
    • Many times, the teacher at school fails to complete their syllabus on time, and it creates a serious situation for the students. In such a scenario, our IB academy comes to the rescue. The chemistry tutors at IB UAE academy help you complete the syllabus long before the end of the course.
    • That enables the students to go through the syllabus before their exams. To get a deeper understanding of the subject, the students can utilize the rest of the time to solve previous years’ papers and do mock tests with the assistance of their IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE.

    Best IB Chemistry Tuition in UAE

    If you need special assistance in a particular topic and are afraid of getting low marks on that topic, then IB Chemistry Tutors can help. Our tutors can make you understand the topic more readily by dedicating their time to focus only on you. With the help of our tutors at IB UAE, you will be able to complete your syllabus before the course ends.

    Then the tutor will give you mock tests and check them right before your eyes. This allows you to know the errors you made and correct them. All of our IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE are qualified, experienced, and well trained in their field, and they all know the needs of students, so they know what you need for increasing your marks. Hence you don’t need to worry about your marks anymore.

    High Quality IB Chemistry Tutoring from top Schools

    1. Teaching methods and approaches and acquiring knowledge are two aspects of one process. During the course at YPC UAE, teaching and learning methods are directly linked with the specific tactics, knowledge, and point of view prevalent in the teaching-learning process.
    2. These methods and approaches are directly linked with the students’ learning characteristics and thus help them study more effectively and prepare them for their course assessment and other tasks. 
    3. Our IB chemistry Tutors are highly qualified and use a high-quality professional approach to teaching to encourage their students in critical thinking and self-motivation. Our tutors are fully dedicated to teaching, and they are providing lifelong lessons for our student’s improvement.
    4. IB Chemistry Tutors’s teaching methods are developed in a way that gives power to the teachers as the master of their content and the master of the students. Teachers are empowered to create precise and efficient strategies for making the teaching and learning experience more engaging and meaningful for the students. Students are also empowered to engage in constructive inquiry and critical and creative thinking.

    Our teaching Methodologies

    1. Promotion of subject-specific goals and the inculcation of different knowledge studied in the past.
    2. Motivate the students in creating a versatile personality which will help them stay vigilant throughout the learning process. Once they graduate from school, they’ll be able to get through college entrance exams with their improved scores and will also be able to succeed in their higher studies.
    3. Enable the students to acknowledge the unique features of our IB course of education. In this diploma program, there is a balance between idealism and pragmatics.
    4. The core principles and ideals that support IB teaching pedagogy can be shown by the 5 approaches of teaching and learning, i.e., thinking skills development, social skills development, communication skills development, skills related to self-management.
    5. And skills related to research, and also the 6 methods of teaching, i.e., based on inquiry, focused on concepts, context-based, collaboration-based, differentiation based, assessment oriented education.
    6. Our IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE believe in teaching with an innovative and creative educational framework. They plan their lessons according to the need of their learners. They are using new evaluation tools to check the learning of their students. IB chemistry tutors use different teaching methodologies, which are currently famous worldwide.

    IB Learners’ Profile and Meeting IB Goals

    This course at IB is developed to enable students to acquire knowledge, skills, and a positive attitude which will help them achieve their IB aims as mentioned in the statement of IB aim and the profile of learners. Our organization’s philosophy of education is reflected through this course’s teaching and a learning process in everyday processes.

    Practice papers, mock tests and revision tests

    Tutors at IB UAE take tests at 3 levels:

    1. They give a topic-based exam to students to know if they are well acquainted with the knowledge.
    2. They give a test based on a unit of 3 lessons.
    3. They give a test based on a half-completed syllabus and then a test based on the full completed syllabus.
    4. IB Chemistry Ttors believe in taking the feedback after teaching important chemistry topics. They take a revision test after completing their topic.
    5. They also provide practice question papers based on the final exam pattern. Some MCQ tests are taken through Google form, which gives quick feedback about learning.
    Engaging learning experience & Quick feedback

    All the students, as well as their parents, get timely feedback. The parents are well informed about their child’s performance, and when needed, they take necessary actions for correcting their child’s behavior.

    1. Chemistry is a topic where students feel bored if they do not find it interesting. IB chemistry tutors provide a fully engaging learning experience to their learners.
    2. They use different strategies to explain the topic. Sometimes they explain with real-life examples, and sometimes with YouTube videos, the teaching method is always easy to difficult.
    3. Students learn and understand and get fully engaged in their chemistry classes.
    4. Getting a score of 7 is a dream of every student of IB. This dream can be possible with IB Chemistry Tutors.
    Best service guaranteed @ Affordable fees

    All of our IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE give commendable service to their students by providing them an instructional course on time, utilizing effective testing strategies, and giving valuable feedback. We, at Your Personal Classes in UAE, have the most affordable IB chemistry Tuition. Our tutors provide cost-friendly online and offline tutoring. Students receive great tutoring sessions at reasonable prices at our IB Chemistry Tutors in UAE.

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